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C-2—Model Form for Initial Opt-Out Notice (Joint Notice)

[Your Choice to Limit Marketing]/[Marketing Opt-Out]
  • The [ABC group of companies] is providing this notice.
  • [Optional: Federal law gives you the right to limit some but not all marketing from the [ABC] companies. Federal law also requires us to give you this notice to tell you about your choice to limit marketing from the [ABC] companies.]
  • You may limit the [ABC] companies, such as the [ABC credit card, insurance brokerage, and securities brokerage] affiliates, from marketing their products or services to you based on your personal information that they receive from other [ABC] companies. This information includes your [income], your [account history], and your [credit score].
  • Your choice to limit marketing offers from the [ABC] companies will apply [until you tell us to change your choice]/[for x years from when you tell us your choice]/[for at least 5 years from when you tell us your choice]. [Include if the opt-out period expires.] Once that period expires, you will receive a renewal notice that will allow you to continue to limit marketing offers from the [ABC] companies for [another x years]/[at least another 5 years].
  • [Include, if applicable, in a subsequent notice, including an annual notice, for consumers who may have previously opted out.] If you have already made a choice to limit marketing offers from the [ABC] companies, you do not need to act again until you receive the renewal notice.
To limit marketing offers, contact us [include all that apply]:
  • By telephone: 1-877-###-####
  • On the web: www. 
  • By mail: Check the box and complete the form below, and send the form to:[Company name][Company address]

 Do not allow any company [in the ABC group of companies] to use my personal information to market to me.

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